Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DMB Printable Subway Art

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a HUGE Dave Matthews Band fan...a freak is more like it...and it's true. I love me some DMB. They are definitely my favorite band. Ever.

So, once again, in the spirit of making printable art, I made a DMB printable. It's the beginning lyrics to Dave's song called "Sister," which, yes, is about his sister. It's sweet. The lyrics could really apply to anyone you love. Also, I recently caved in and joined the ombre trend with my hair...so I'm really feelin' the whole ombre thing. With that said, this printable is kind of an ombre blue (and no, my hair is not blue...).

I've included the link to the download below, and you can print a 5x7 or 8x10. I hope you enjoy it!

Download: 8x10 - 5x7


1 comment:

  1. Thank You! DMB is "tmThe Best of whats around"!
