Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Musical Love's been quite awhile since I've posted. I feel really bad about it because...well, I wish I could look back and see a new post every day. I'd like to blame grad school, so that's what I'll do. Haha. It has been really busy for me! School can really get in the way.

Anyway, has anyone picked up the new Dave Matthews Band album, Away From the World? I absolutely adore it. I have been listening to it non-stop now for over a week. To me, Dave and Band can do no wrong. I love them. BUT, all my friends love the new album, too. So it's not just me being fanatical! It truly is awesome!!

Dave really gives some good messages in these songs, and I love the message from the song "Drunken Soldier." I loved it so much, I made a printable. It's a good little reminder to be yourself. You can follow the links to download and print. You'll find the links below for a 10x8 (it's printed on a landscape this time) or a 7x5.

I hope you enjoy! Check back soon...I promise I will post more! :)

Download: 10x8 - 7x5


  1. Wendi, I love your posts!!! I LOVE your Pins More! Lol

    1. Thanks, Kaitlin! I am a Pinterest addict for sure! :)
