Friday, October 5, 2012

How to make your boots happy...seriously!

First thing's first. Last night, Cosmo, my Yorkie, looked at me and asked me why the heck I even have a blog. I told him that I'm really not sure because I haven't been posting like I should.

He gave me this face:

He said, "Are you kidding me? Post something, woman! And get me a treat while you're at it!" 
He is SO demanding. But isn't he precious? He loves that Snuggie. And the Georgia Bulldogs {GO DAWGS}.

Anyway, he's right. And since FALL {my favorite season} is finally here, I thought I would post about boots {my favorite kind of shoes}. When I managed to drag out all of my fall shoes, what I found was a big old mess. Some of my boots were so slouched and out of shape I just wanted to cry. But I didn't. I stayed strong. It made me think, "I wish I had something to put in these boots to keep them standing up..." Then I remembered. I saw this pin on Pinterest sometime ago, and some genius person had taken a pool noodle and put them in her boots to help them stand up and keep their shape. How awesome is that? However, summer is over, and there really are no pool noodles just floating around (no pun intended). SO...

I was with Nathan {my love} the other day at Home Depot. I always like to try and make that place work for me. I craft a lot, so I see lots of opportunities to use manly items for my lady like crafts. Sorry, fellas. Anyway, I saw these thingies:

Apparently, these thingies are called "Semi Split Pipe Wrap Insulation." So yeah, just go to Home Depot and ask someone where you can find them. These were $1.28 each. There were a few sizes from which to choose; I just got the biggest. Basically, what I did was cut them to length and put them in my boots. They make them stand tall and proud. Let me explain what I did...

See my boots? They look so sad. 
Honestly, this picture looks like a support group meeting for Depressed Boots Anonymous. 

Let's fix this. 

Step 1: Take your pipe insulation thing-a-ma-jig and figure out how long you need it to be. I eyeballed it and did not factor in the wedge when considering where to cut.

See where I have my scissors? That's about where I marked it. You don't really need to make it too tall. Even if it doesn't reach the top, it will still make them stand up as long as it's almost to the top.

Step 2: Cut. Duh. I used regular scissors. It's just foam. It's all good.

Step 3: Put the insulation tubey thing into your boot. Crazy easy.

Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 to make another pipe-foam-tube-whatever-the-heck for your other boot.

See how happy these look now? 

It's a miracle! Depression-free boots! Happy as can be. In shape, feelin' great. 

Here's a tip. One tubey thing will cover about three pairs of boots. I thought that was a pretty good deal at $1.28 each to keep my boots in shape. And these suckers are available year round. I don't remember which aisle they were on {ask your dad, boyfriend, husband, or local Home Depot associate...they'll help you!}, and chances are they are on a different aisle where you live, anyway. Unless you live near which case, I'll see you at the Home Depot! Aww yeah!

Happy Fall Y'all!


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  1. Your blog is cute! But, there is no way to follow you! =) You should add Google friend connect!


    P.S I found your blog through Pinterest

    1. Thank you, Brooke! I will have to look into that. I am still new to this whole blogging thing! :)
